Mohamed Ben Amor

Mohamed Ben Amor

Mohamed Ben Amor

Secretary-General of the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO)

Personal Information

Engineer Mohamed Ben Amor was elected Secretary-General of the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) at the 11th General Assembly of AICTO in Hammamet, Tunisia, on 17 November 2015. He took up his post on 1 January, 2016.

He holds a Master diploma in International Project Management from the “Conservatoire National d’Arts et des Métiers”, CNAM – Paris (France), and a Diploma of Engineer from the Naval Academy, AN (Tunisia), he was promoted as a General Engineer in Telecommunications in 2007 ( the highest level of Engineer in the Tunisian Administration ).

Mr. Ben Amor has over 25 years of experience, specializing in the use and evolution of information and communication technologies for development, as well as in analytical, policy, management and coordination functions at national, regional and International level.

Mr. Ben Amor has occupied successively the post of Special Advisor to the Minister of Industry and Technologies (2011), Special Advisor to the Minister of Information and Communication Technologies (2012 – 2013) Special Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education Scientific Research and ICT (2014) and Special Advisor to the Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy (2015). He was General Director of Telecommunications Research and Studies Center (2009 – 2010).

He acted as the African Chair of the Joint Experts Group for the 8th Partnership, between Africa and European Union, dedicated to ICT, Space Technologies and Science and Technology (2009 -2011), and the head of the Tunisian delegation in many high level international conferences such as the Conference of African Ministers of ICT (Abuja, Nigeria 2010), the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Dubai, UAE 2012), World Telecommunication Development Conference (Dubai, UAE 2014), the World Conference of plenipotentiaries of International Telecommunication Union (Busan, Korea 2014) and the Council of Arab Ministers of ICT (Cairo, Egypt 2014 & 2015).

Contact info

  • Speciality: International Project Management
  • Experience: 25 Years
  • Company: (AICTO)

Speeches By: Engineer Mohamed Ben Amor

Room#1 10:05AM - 10:10AM
1st Day

Opening speech