Dr. Tarek Bejaoui

Dr. Tarek Bejaoui

Dr. Tarek Bejaoui


Personal Information

Dr. Tarek Bejaoui is Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerta (FSB) -  University of Carthage, and co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Applications (IDEA) Lab.  He operates as industrial consultant since 2006, and he is the Founding President of the Tunisian Wireless Communications Society.

Tarek Bejaoui received the PhD degree with Honors in Information and Communication Technologies in July 2005 from the University of Paris-Sud XI, OrsayInstitut d'Electronique Fondamentale (IEF) (Paris-Saclay University since January 1st, 2020), Ranked 14  by 2020 Academic Ranking World Universities - http://www.shanghairanking.com/.

He obtained the Accreditation Degree to Lead Research in Information and Communication Technologies (Habilitation Universitaire/HDR) from the Higher School of Communications of Tunis (Sup'Com) in February 2018.

To enhance his research performance, Tarek Bejaoui held two Post-Doctoral positions at the University of Paris-Sud XI , Orsay - IEF Lab. (2005/2006)  and the University of Paris-Dauphine, LAMSADE lab., as well (2008/2009).

Tarek has graduated (M.Sc - DEA) in Systems' Analysis and Digital Processing from the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) in 1999, and he earned a second Master's degree (DESS) in High Speed Networks from the Higher School of Communications of Tunis (Sup'Com), in june 2000.  His Industrial Maintenance Engineering Diploma, was received from  the  National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), in June 1992. 

From june 1992 till 1994, Dr. Tarek Bejaoui worked at Cofamat - Elloumi Group -  (~400 employees - Automotive Components Industry), as manager of the maintenance department, and has joined then the Cement plant of Bizerta (~900 employees) until the beginning of 2001. 

Tarek Bejaoui was the Head of the Computer Science Department between 2008 and 2011 at the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies (ISSATM)- University of Carthage. He was a member of the MEDIATRON lab. at Sup’Com till July 2021 and then the IDEA Lab at the FSB. His current research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, cellular networks, wireless multimedia, QoS service provisioning, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks, mobile and pervasive computing and communication protocols.

In his role, he has supervised between 2007 and 2015 mainly in collaboration with "Tunisie Telecom" (the first telecommunication service provider in Tunisia) many projetcs dealing with Cellular Networks, FTTH access networks, Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting, VoIP, SEA-ME-WE 4,... 

Dr. Bejaoui has authored  many Book Chapters and several publications in journals, conferences and workshops in the areas of wireless and mobile systems and networks. 

Dr. Tarek Bejaoui is serving as Steering Committee Chair, General Chair and Organizer of many IEEE International Conferences and has participated as Member of Technical Committees of numerous conferences including GLOBECOM, ICC, LCN, ISNCC, IWCNC, SmartNets, MENACOMM,...

Dr. Tarek Bejaoui is IEEE Senior Member and member of the IEEE Tunisia section Executive Committee. He is curently chairing the IEEE Communications Society Tunisia Chapter and serving as Conference Coordinator within the IEEE Tunisia Section. 

Tarek is Past Vice Chair of the IEEE Tunisia section for the Technical Activities and Chair of its "Awards and Recognition" Committee .  Currently, he is member of the IEEE Smart Cities and IEEE Internet of Things Technical Communities.

Tarek Bejaoui has collaborated and provided Technical Assistance to the Municipality of Bizerta (Banzart), for its digital transition Projects (https://www.afd.fr/en/actualites/12-african-cities-making-digital-transition)

Contact info

  • Company: (IEEE)
  • Email: tarek.bejaoui@ieee.org